About Us Details

Kids' Avenue Christian Learning Center.
  • Our Mission

    To provide early childhood programming for children in a Christian environment while offering parent education initiatives that will sustain families in the community; raising children to respect all of life, and be a positive influence to themselves, their families, and the community.

    Our Philosophy

    We believe that an effective child has a positive self-image. Therefore, we develop that image along with their early growth and learning milestones in a Christian environment. A solid foundation of inquiry, exploration, choice learning opportunities, and a supportive environment introduces young minds to a lifetime of learning and future success. Kids’ Avenue Christian Learning Center’s values are centered on preparing children for global learning initiatives through hands-on play, an enriching curriculum, and nurturing the social and emotional development of children. In addition, to become successful in our mission, we strive to educate parents on early learning practices and theories that will empower families through education, resources, and foundation-building initiatives.

    God is Gracious, God is Good,
    let us Thank Him for our food
    by His Hands we must be fed,
    give us Lord our daily bread,
    In Jesus Name
    Bible Verse:
    “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want” Psalm 23:1

    Who We Are

    Having two offices in Vandyke Road Warren and Vandyke Road Detroit, Michigan, Kids’ Avenue Christian Learning Center takes pride in its team of dedicated professionals and high-quality childcare services. Our mission motivates us to persevere and be the best that we can be in our field of expertise. As we strive to guide and help parents in raising their children, our curriculum-based programs are tailored to suit the educational needs of every preschool and school-aged child.

    As parents or guardians, we understand how much time you require in doing your personal matters. Are you a first-time parent who is not yet knowledgeable on the basics of taking care of a child or are you someone who has a business, a daily appointment, or a job to do? Multitasking is a common parenting practice but to make sure that your children’s health, safety, and holistic wellness are monitored and enhanced, our childcare experts are here to back you up. We help you maximize your time with other important matters while we ensure that your children’s education and well-being are not compromised.

    Why Should You Choose Kids Avenue Christian Learning Center?

    Our Multi-Curriculum Programs include:

    A Comprehensive Hands-On Learning Approach– Learning should be fun! Through a supportive environment, children thrive in programs where learning is engaging and meaningful. We believe that, when given the opportunity, children who use sensory applications while learning has a more successful outcome of mastering skills. For instance, learning number concepts through engaging activities using one-to-one correspondence promotes competency versus route memorization tactics.

    Whole Child Curriculum– Our goal at Kids’ Avenue Christian Learning Center is to support children’s development through a comprehensive curriculum and by providing nurturing instruction. The whole child curriculum serves as a basis for offering instruction that allows for creative expression, positive social interactions, critical thinking and problem solving, physical development, and language and literacy skills. Learning will take place by utilizing small and large group interactions as well as individually meeting the needs of every child.


    S.T.E.M. for Young Learners– We are excited to offer a program that will prepare young learners for inquiry, exploration, and amazing discoveries within their world. The S.T.E.M For Young Learners Program will be offered to all children. This program was developed to introduce Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts through the use of developmentally appropriate materials and engaging hands-on activities. S.T.E.M. supports early childhood initiatives by supporting children’s interests through the use of intriguing materials and by providing an environment that inspires children to understand and reason while they experience challenges through trial and error.

    The S.T.E.M. concepts that are currently introduced are:

    • Natural Science
    • Physical Science/Physics
    • Early math manipulation concepts
    • Geometry for Young Learners
    • Measurement
    • Interactive Computer Science

    In addition to S.T.E.M., your child will also be taught using the Creative Curriculum Approach.

    THE CREATIVE DIFFERENCE: ACTIVE PARTICIPATORY LEARNING Children and adults learn best through hands-on experiences with people, materials, events, and ideas. That principle—validated by decades of research—is the basis of the Creative approach to teaching and learning.

    Creative Curriculum includes components for:

    • Infant-toddler care and education
    • Preschool education
    • Early literacy
    • Movement and music
    • Elementary education

    The Creative Curriculum makes use of proven, research-based strategies for learning. This curriculum emphasizes adult-child interaction, a carefully designed learning environment, and a plan-do-review process that strengthens initiative and self-reliance in children and young people. Teachers and students are active partners in shaping the educational experience.

    The Creative Advantage: A balanced approach for young learners and the people who teach them. The Creative Curriculum integrates all aspects of child and youth development. Using research-validated strategies, this approach enhances each young person’s growth in the foundations of academics as well as in social-emotional, physical, and creative areas. By adopting the Creative Curriculum—and learning to use it effectively—thousands of educators and caregivers worldwide are making a difference in the lives of children, youth, and families. Many of the activities that Creative teachers do in the classroom or center can also be done at home. For example, families can provide many different learning materials, often using everyday objects that cost little or nothing. Families can encourage their children to make plans, carry them out, and talk about what they have learned from the experience. Your child’s first role model is you.

    Families Are Important: Kids’ Avenue Christian Learning Center Parent Empowerment Programs

    We believe in preparing children for higher learning. We know that successful children have supportive parents and/or communities. Kids’ Avenue Christian Learning Center is committed to assisting families in the community with resources and parent programs that will help sustain family life. We strive to help build partnerships with families through “Parent Empowerment” programs, maintaining a home/school connection, and through daily communication by using a variety of communication tools, family events, and activities. We will also connect with community programs that will help benefit children and families.

    • We are dedicated

      We love seeing our children and their parents happy and satisfied with the services we provide.

    • Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture Policy

      In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture Policy, this Institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9140 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.